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How to Use the Deep Learning Developer Kit on Raspberry Pi


The Deep Learning Developer Kit is an advanced AI development tool that offers hardware acceleration for deep learning applications. This how-to guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using the Deep Learning Developer Kit on a Raspberry Pi.

This guide explains how to set up and utilize the Deep Learning Developer Kit on a Raspberry Pi. It provides a list of required materials, including the Raspberry Pi itself, a MicroSD card, MicroSD card reader, power supply, and the developer kit. The steps involve preparing the MicroSD card, connecting the Raspberry Pi to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, setting up the developer kit, installing dependencies and the kit’s software, configuring the kit, and finally testing its functionality. Following these steps will enable users to explore deep learning applications on their Raspberry Pi with hardware acceleration.

Materials Needed:

  • Raspberry Pi (Model 3B or higher)
  • MicroSD card (8GB or more)
  • MicroSD card reader
  • Power supply for Raspberry Pi
  • Deep Learning Developer Kit

Note: Make sure your Raspberry Pi is running the latest version of Raspbian before proceeding.

Step 1: Prepare the MicroSD Card

  1. Connect the MicroSD card to your computer using a card reader.
  2. Format the MicroSD card using a disk utility tool to ensure it is clean and ready for the installation.
  3. Download the latest version of the Deep Learning Developer Kit software from the official website.
  4. Use a disk imaging tool to write the downloaded image onto the MicroSD card.

Step 2: Connect the Raspberry Pi

  1. Insert the MicroSD card into the Raspberry Pi’s MicroSD card slot.
  2. Connect a monitor or TV to the Raspberry Pi’s HDMI port using an HDMI cable.
  3. Attach a USB keyboard and mouse to the Raspberry Pi’s USB ports.
  4. Connect the power supply to the Raspberry Pi to start it up.

Step 3: Set up the Deep Learning Developer Kit

  1. Once the Raspberry Pi boots up, you will see the login prompt.
  2. Use the default credentials provided with the Deep Learning Developer Kit to log in (usually ‘pi’ for both username and password).
  3. Open a terminal window on the Raspberry Pi.

Step 4: Install Dependencies

  1. Update the Raspberry Pi’s package lists by running the following command in the terminal:
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using the following command:
    sudo apt-get install cmake libjpeg-dev gfortran libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev python3-dev python2.7-dev

Step 5: Install Deep Learning Developer Kit Software

  1. Download the Deep Learning Developer Kit software from the official website.
  2. Extract the downloaded package using a file archiver tool.
  3. In the terminal, navigate to the extracted folder.
  4. Run the installation script by executing the following command:
    sudo ./install.sh

Step 6: Configure the Deep Learning Developer Kit

  1. After installation, reboot the Raspberry Pi by running the following command:
    sudo reboot
  2. Once rebooted, open a terminal window again.
  3. Run the configuration tool by executing the following command:
    sudo dldk-config
  4. Follow the prompts to set up the Deep Learning Developer Kit according to your preferences.

Step 7: Test the Deep Learning Developer Kit

  1. Open a new terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the ‘dldk-examples’ folder in the installation directory.
  3. Run the example scripts provided to test the Deep Learning Developer Kit’s functionality.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up the Deep Learning Developer Kit on a Raspberry Pi. You can now start exploring and building advanced AI applications utilizing the hardware acceleration capabilities of the kit. Enjoy your journey into the world of deep learning on the Raspberry Pi!

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